Scientific name: Merogomphus tamaracherriensis Fraser, 1931
Common name: Malabar Long-legged Clubtail
Malayalam name: മലബാർ പുള്ളിവാലൻ ചോലക്കടുവ
Family: Gomphidae
Place of observation: Pattatthipara and Athirappilly, Kerala
Date of observation : 31 - 07 - 2016, 18 - 10 - 2018
Common name: Malabar Long-legged Clubtail
Malayalam name: മലബാർ പുള്ളിവാലൻ ചോലക്കടുവ
Family: Gomphidae
Place of observation: Pattatthipara and Athirappilly, Kerala
Date of observation : 31 - 07 - 2016, 18 - 10 - 2018
Male: Abdomen 44 mm Hind-wing 35 mm
Female: Abdomen 44-46 mm. Hind-wing 37 mm.
Female: Abdomen 44-46 mm. Hind-wing 37 mm.
It is endemic to the Western Ghats of India